So today was our first ultrasound. I am 5 weeks 4 days. We were very excited. But, the RE said "Don't be alarmed, it's so early we may not see anything".
So we go in and the tech sets everything up...she says "By the wheel you are about 6 weeks. That may be off by 2 weeks. We should see a sack though. We might see the embryo and maybe a heartbeat". I already know 6 weeks is wrong since I know my exact ovulation date. But fine...proceed.
Again violated by the wand...she starts messing around. I usually know what the hell I am looking at but I was extremely confused. Then I saw what I "thought" was the sack. She looks around and says your left ovary is pretty big. It's filled with fluid and it looks like you have a cyst on it, but that is normal. She find the sack and says, "It's smaller than I would have expected at 6 weeks, but I think this is the yolk sack". After a few minutes of looking around, she says, "Ok I am satisfied with what I see at this point". She removes the wand and blood EVERYWHERE!
All I could think was, "Oh My God, it's happening again!". I said "OMG blood? That is NOT a good sign". She asks me if I have been bleeding at all. And I told her not since like 2 days before my last beta. This is a first, and it was tons.
Now the mood changes. She says get cleaned up. We are going to draw your blood and I want you to go to the imaging center. (Calling in the big dogs). She says "I want to get a better picture and see where the bleeding is coming from". Now my head is spinning, I look at DH who looks white and is seriously ready to vomit. I get cleaned up and they draw my blood. I am usually such a wimp with drawing blood. It always hurts. I felt NOTHING. I was numb. All I could think of was "I'm miscarrying, I can't believe this is happening" She gives me the paperwork to make the appointment for the imaging center, then we leave.
Fast forward about 45 minutes. I drop DH at the train station so he can go to work, and I go to work. I tell my boss I have a "follow-up" appointment again at 10:30.
So I go to the imaging center. They get me right in. I explain to the SUPER nice tech what is going on. I tell her I'm 5 weeks 4 days...not 6 weeks. I hadn't bled at all until the ultrasound at the RE. And I also tell her it stopped about 30-45 minutes after I left the RE. So I hop up and she starts to look around.
I immediately ask her "Can you tell me what you see?". She says no not really, the radiologist has to look at it, report to your doctor then they will tell you". Now I'm annoyed but I know it's not her fault.
She looks around for at least 20 minutes. Take all kind of pictures of stuff. She records the blood flow to my ovaries and lets me hear it. I wish she didn't because all I could think was "this is what I should be hearing next week". Finally at the end she shows me the sack and the yolk sack. She says it's still really early, and the blood work is going to be the key if everything is alright. I already knew this, but I hoped she would see SOMETHING. She wishes me the best of luck and says "I will have everything crossed for you". Best thing she could have told me. And I didn't bleed at the ultrasound! Score! So I leave there it's about 11:30 and go back to work.
Fast forward again to 3:00. RE's office calls. She says "Your blood work came back and it looks great, your beta is 1300. It has gone up nicely. The imaging center saw the same thing I saw. So RE wants you to come back again on Thursday for another ultrasound". So I ask her if my beta is normal for where I am, and she says "Yes it is".
So that is it. I get the scare of my life. I don't know what to think. I have no idea what Thursday will bring. So I sit in limbo until then. I am praying that this was just a scare and everything will be fine. I am hoping that we can see the fetal pole and maybe the heartbeat on Thursday. I will be exactly 6 weeks. I will have an update after my appointment on Thursday. We will take any prayers, vibes etc.