Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ultrasound #2

I had my second ultrasound today. We saw the sack, the yolk sack, and a tiny little embryo! She couldn't see the heartbeat. She says it starts beating around 6 weeks. I was exactly 6 weeks today. So she thought it could be a concern, or it couldn't. So I have ANOTHER beta done.

After about 4 hours of waiting for that darn call, the nurse called around 1:30. Beta came back at 6319. Progesterone was 41.3. She says the numbers look awesome. What a relief! So I go back in exactly 1 week. I will be exactly 7 weeks. Hopefully we will be able to see the heartbeat then. Lots of good vibes, prayers etc!

1 comment:

bodybuilderswife said...

i'm sending good vibes and prayers for a strong hearbeat!!!