Thursday, October 2, 2008

We have a heartbeat!

We had our ultrasound today at exactly 7 weeks. We got to see a beautiful little heartbeat on the screen. It was so amazing to see that little flicker on the screen. It was such a relief and such a weight off our shoulders. I had been so worried since I still feel really good. I have only been really tired. But, I haven't felt very sick. A few dry heaving episodes, but nothing else.

The heartbeat was 125 which I was told is normal. RE says I am measuring 3 days behind which is normal and expected since my HCG betas got off to a really slow start. We go back again in 2 weeks. If everything looks good, I graduate to my regular OB. I never thought I would be happy to see my OB!

Leaving the RE is actually going to be bitter sweet. I know we won't get the same individual attention that we get at our RE. Not to mention, we won't get so many ultrasounds at the OB. But we are so thankful that we have been blessed.

So everything is going well. Please keep us in your prayers.

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

Yay!! Congradulations!!!