Monday, September 15, 2008

Beta #2 = 143!

It's offical! We are actually pregnant! Our Beta shot up to 143. (Anyone who used a beeper back in the days...143 = I love you!)

I can't believe this. I am still numb to everything. DH was so surprised. His reaction? "Really? Are you sure? Is is definate?" LOL. He's so funny. Yes it's definate! I have to go back on Wednesday for another Beta to be sure my levels are doubling. They want to see a 60% increase every 2 days. Please pray this little bean sticks. I will be updating soon on how I told my parents. We planned on telling both sets this weekend. I just couldn't keep the news. Update soon!

1 comment:

Tabitha said...

yay!!! Congradulations!!