Thursday, August 28, 2008

IUI #3 Done

IUI #3 is done. I am kind of blah about it this time. Our total Motile count was only 2.4 this time. I know it only takes one, but it got me a little down. I don't understand why our numbers keep going down. We scheduled a consult with the RE before our Beta on 9/10 to discuss next steps if this IUI doesn't work. Initally he wanted 3 Clomid IUI's, then 3 Injectable IUI's. I just want to meet with him, pick his brain and be sure he still thinks this is the protocol for us.

I went for acupuncture today, and am going back tomorrow. I love it. It helps so much with the stress.

So for now, I wait. Progesterone check is 9/3, then beta on 9/10

Hopefully this will be it for us.

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