Monday, February 9, 2009

25 weeks and Leaving to Puerto Rico!

Well I am 25 weeks...26 weeks on Thursday! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! So far so good. No real complaints. This pregnancy has been pretty easy so far. Only things I can "complain" about are 24/7 heartburn and carpal tunnel. It has gotten so bad at night that I am wear wrist splints on my hands. Michael thinks I look like a bowler! But, They are totally helping. I was suffering through pain in the middle of the night. I would wake up with my hands asleep. I felt like I could cut them off and I wouldn't feel a thing! Other than that, smooth sailing. No issues. Um except the weight gain. OB says its still fine and she isn't worried. Almost 26 weeks and I have gained 30 lbs! We have some major walking to do this summer. I must go back to WW when she is born. I don't care about the weight just MUST come off after she is born. No excuses!

We are leaving for our Babymoon on Wednesday morning. We are going to Puerto Rico for 5 nights. Our last vacation alone. Funny, we always talk about how much we can't wait until she's here. We can't wait for family vacations, Disney, sand castles etc. Next summer should be interesting. We plan on taking her to Portugal to visit family!

So off in a couple of days. I will be sure to post pictures when we come back.

Here is my lovely 25 week belly picture. Don't I look further along? And you see those lovely stretch marks? Yeah BS cocoa butter doesn't help. I put it on religiously, and NADA! Still got them!

1 comment:

Christi said...

what a great trip and time ya'll will have together!