Thursday, November 13, 2008

13 weeks!

Nothing much to report. But being a total AW...13 weeks! I can't believe we made it here. There were days I was so afraid we wouldn't get here. But here we are, finally in the 2nd trimester. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally breathe a bit.

It's so weird...for the past 4 weeks I have felt horrible. So tired and morning sickness (all day). My cousin told me I would wake up one day and suddenly it would be gone. And you know what? She was TOTALLY right! I woke up 2 days ago and it was like the switch had suddenly been turned off. Hardly and dry heaving, headaches seemed to subside and a felt a bit of energy. It's amazing! I am trying to sit back relax and enjoy the next three month bc I know months 7-9 are going to be horrendous again.

So for now we are just relaxing and FINALLY starting to enjoy this pregnancy!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Genetic Results In!

We had our genetic testing for Downs Syndrome and Trisomy 18. Our numbers for Down's were 1/2020 and for Trisomy 18 they were 1/99,000. They doctor said there is a 99.95% chance that the baby is perfectly fine. We have decided to do the second set of blood work just for peace of mind and since insurance pays for it. Why not right?

This was not a fun visit. Although we got to see the baby again (we are really spoiled) Mike was completely out of control. I told him we were getting genetic testing done. I told him what it was for, but he must not have been listening. When we sat down and the genetic counselor began talking about what there were going to test for, Mike lost it. He didn't flip out...but I could totally tell he was terribly uncomfortable and could not wrap his head around the "worst case scenario". She was really good at calming him down and talking things through with him. I just didn't know how to react.

This whole time I have been the one who has worried, but now he was totally feeling out of control. Welcome to my world! He is obviously much better now that we got such good numbers. But I think this was his wake up call and now feels a bit of the worry I have been feeling for the past 3 months.