Sorry I haven't blogged in a few here it was has been going on with me. I am now 18 weeks!
I had my latest OB appointment last week. I got weighed in (My least favorite part)...I gained 9 lbs in 4 weeks! OMG! I was totally panicked. I had no idea how this was happening. I told her I was following the eating guidelines I was given at my first appointment. So she had me go through my menu. I didn't get past breakfast, and she put the breaks on.
I have been drinking whole Milk (3- servings of dairy like I was told)....I started to drink whole milk when we started IF treatment and Acupuncture. Well I never stopped. I thought I was doing a good thing. Yeah I must have missed the fine print on the info packet I was given. LOW FAT!!!! Ugh what an idiot. So fast forward a week and a half. I have totally cut out whole milk and switched back to skim milk and cut out OJ all together. And what do you know...I actually lost 2 lbs! So I have found the culprit of my expanding backside. Damn Whole Milk! The goals is the maintain the weight I gained in the last 4 weeks and not gain anymore. 1.5 weeks down and still doing well.
In other news. We did our NT testing a while back in the first trimester. When we got our results we were 1 / 2020 for Downs. DH was totally satisfied with the results. There is a second blood test called the Triple Screen we were offered. Mike thought it was silly and since our chances were 99.95 that everything was fine, we didn't need to do it. I talked to the OB and she said there is no harm in doing it...just do it. So I go against my better judgement and have it done. A week later they call me. The genetic counselor says "I'm surprised the risk went up since your first set of numbers from the NT scan were so low. It's still a negative result, but now its 1 / 234". I almost died. It took me a full day to relax and stop being a basket case. So our chances of everything being fine are now 99.5 %. The chance of the baby having Downs are less that a half percent. Looking back, I wish I would have listened to Mike and just passed up on the Triple Screen.
12/26 is the BIG ultrasound! We have our appointment scheduled. We are praying the baby cooperates and will let us peek. More updates on that next week! Hopefully we will have some good ultrasound pictures to post!